Personal Development Coaching
Personal Development Coaching
Course overview
Our Personal Development Coaching as such doesn’t limit itself to any boundaries. Our Life Coaching engagements are open to address and assist any areas our coaching clients are aspiring to improve. The areas of improvement can be addressed either from a personal or professional perspective. Our Coaching Sessions are usually one to one engagements scheduled for a duration recommended as per the understanding of clients’ need and goals.
We must mention here that Insite applies Coaching methods to its authentic best. In our view, Coaching, as a learning method signifies ‘not prompting learners with answers’ and rather to stimulate them to find their own paths for growth and improvement. That is exactly what we do during our coaching interventions.
Our main Coaching Interventions focus on the below aspects:
Spoken English:
We trust Coaching as a perfect method to inculcate language skills in learners. Regular one to one engagements to allow learners express themselves, followed by feedback and corrections go a long way in picking up the language faster. We also include amusing methods like Theatrics, Movies and even Art as mediums to help people become better at spoken English.
Confidence and Self-Esteem:
Numerous working people, highly talented and hardworking, struggle with Confidence and Self-Esteem issues. The issues can even lead one to depression and other mental discomfort if not addressed on time. Our coaching methods with some effort can help clients overcome such issues and perform better at workplace, and also as individuals outside work. We find from experience, the mere time and space given to clients, in expressing comfortably their issues, by themselves, have helped to gain more clarity and choice to resolve them. Adequate extent of Listening, Trust and Time certainly helps people in cultivating more self-confidence.
Assertiveness Coaching:
Lack of Assertion is naturally one of the main behavioral issues that contribute to lack in Confidence and Self-Esteem. Assertion is usually lacking in people cultured in Asian societies, as they are not ‘trained’ on its importance and applicability, especially at workplace and business. Our Coaching sessions help people struggling with Assertion to pick insights and skills that allows them to exhibit Confidence and be taken more seriously as an individual, and as well as a working person.
Emotional Intelligence Coaching:
Applied Emotional Intelligence is a competency required in business community as well as employed people in order to be more effective. People experience a variety of feelings and emotions at work, when dealing with a variety of situations and people. A lacking in ability for Self Motivation, Awareness and Self Expression can be highly detrimental to managing oneself as well as other people. The skills mentioned above if picked up can turn individuals into leaders and highly effective in honing their inter-personal as well as intra-personal capabilities.
Personal Branding:
This is the area where Insite specializes as of today. Branding and its significance still hasn’t caught people’s imagination in our country. Thanks to the wrong impressions created, of Personal Branding akin to Image Building or mere indulgence in social media platforms . Personal Branding is the first step to Personal Development, and we coach clients to understand step by step means to achieve a great Branding at business or workplace. A great Branding helps someone being taken seriously at work and that’s what earnest and well meaning people want. We also help our learners in applying authentic ways to build more visibility for themselves and benefit from it.
Key Highlights Of This Course
Only business people or working people are entertained.