Communication Skills Training
"Every Act of Communication, is a Miracle of Translation" - Ken Liu
Communication Skills Training
Course overview
Our training workshops on Communication Skills have been the most appreciated in the past. In fact, most of our successful engagements with clients have been Communication Skills workshops. We emphatically agree it’s a primary skill to hone up, to be successful at work and in life.
Insite focuses on Business Communication Skills. The course is built upon the premise that Effective Communication is possible, if working people practice the attitude of ‘Communication Ownership’. We believe, Effective Business Communication must focus on presenting Information and Messages in a Direct, Specific and Straightforward manner, with the end objective being, saving of time.
Further, organizational decisions and conclusions, dependent on those information, being made on time. We found mostly, people good in language skills, too fail at communicating effectively, because they don’t realize that ‘Every Communication is a Presentation’ at workplace. It would make a world of difference, if a few seconds – minutes, are spent to structure pieces of communication before it is delivered. Preparation and Structure is the differentiation between conversation and communication. Lack of preparation, results in the act of ‘thinking and conversing’ at the same time, the reason for poor communication skills. Many of our stakeholders, in the past, when scheduling communication workshops, confided their teams were capable domain wise, but did not express themselves in ways they could be understood quickly, especially during meetings or when communicating updates.
We profess ‘Communication Ownership’, which means, people assume completely responsibility for being understood with their messages, and stop ‘expecting to be understood’. Communication Ownership is achieved only with adequate preparation before partaking in communication situations. Similarly, be responsible in understanding others when being a receiver, by clarifying and re-phrasing what was heard.
We of course, do not underestimate the skill of impromptu communication. We train our learners to handle them confidently too.
Our focus 1.
Is enabling learners to structure information and messages, so that they are delivered with a clear opening, a body delivered in bullet points and closing appropriately.
Our focus 2.
Is to help with clear insights into the 3Vs of Communication. Visual, Vocal and Verbal, significance and application through Role Plays
Our focus 3.
Is Listening Skill. We enable learners to appreciate the skill of Listening through videos and case scenarios. We inculcate listening skills guiding them in Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Reflective Listening through well structured Role Plays and Simulations.
Our focus 4.
Is Writing Skills. Our experience has shown, most working people are aware of common Email Etiquette, but are not trained in the skill of Writing itself, that results in poor email writing. Insite focuses on the 5 Principles of Business Writing to enable writing skills among learners and touches upon important aspects of Email Etiquette
Our focus 5.
Is Assertive Communication. We have found, learners cultured in Asian communities usually find it hard to absorb Assertion. A clear description to imbibe a positive outlook, and benefits for practicing Assertion at work, helps them open up, about the subject. We use videos and case studies so that participants appreciate assertive skills, practice through role plays and try Crucial Conversations.
Overall, our Communication Skill workshops have catered satisfactorily to the needs of multiple levels of hierarchy within organizations, and been appreciated for its results.
Key Highlights Of This Course
The Meaning of Effective Communicator at Work – ‘Communication Ownership’
The 3 Vs of Communication – Visual, Vocal & Verbal
Practicing Communication Structure – IBC – Introduction – Body – Conclusion
Listening Skills – Paraphrasing, Summarizing & Reflective Listening Skills
Writing Skills – 5 Principles of Business Writing
Assertive Skills – Practicing Assertion to handle Crucial Conversations
You will learn all the essential skills of being an effective communicator at workplace
This program is for all working people in business organizations. Communication Skills is to be honed continuously. However, customization can be done to cater to requirements of different levels in organizational hierarchy